Most folks assume that Ornamental Grasses are solely for sunny spots. Yes, the majority of these beauties do best when strutting their stuff in full sun but there are some that will shine in shade. One of my favorites is Japanese Forest Grass (Hakonechloa).  Hakonechloa macra âAureolaâ, won the prized Perennial of the Year award in 2009. It’s a lovely variegated chartreuse and green grass with a cascading habit and it only reaches

15â-24â. Other knockouts in this family are âAll Goldâ (solid gold leaves); ‘Naomi’ (green and gold leaves that take on a reddish-purple tint in fall); ‘Albo-Striata’ (green and white leaves); ‘Beni-kaze’ (green leaves that turn reddish in fall); and ‘Nicolas’ (green leaves that turn orangey-red in fall).  Hakone grasses are hardy to Zone 5. Carexs are another terrific choice for shade.  Carex âBowles Goldenâ is a very delicate, thin-bladed, golden grass reaching 2â to 3â. It can handle part shade but it has better color if placed in more sun. Carex âEvergoldâ has creamy yellow blades with green margins and is only 12â tall. Both are hardy to Zone 5.  Northern Sea Oats (Chasmantium), hardy to Zone 3, has sweet dropping flowers with green, bamboo-like foliage that tops off around 3â. Itâs charming appearance helps make up for is self-seeding habit.