November is a great month to give selected evergreens a âwinter jacketâ to help protect them from Old Man Winterâs havoc. Climbing roses and bigleaf Hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) can also benefit from additional insulation. Applying an anti-transpirante, also known as an anti-dessicant, reduces damage from drying winds, winter sun scorch and moisture depletion due to frozen ground.
Simply spray the protective sealant on foliage, making sure to reach both upper are lower surfaces. Do this in late November or December when daytime temperatures are above 40 degrees. Wilt-Pruf has long been recognized as a premier product and it’s organic and biodegradable. We always have it in stock in the Fall at Faddegonâs. Shrubs that benefit from a misting include Rhododendrons, Azalea, evergreen Holly, and Boxwood.