Author Archives: JGrainer

Woodstock Chimes for Autism

Chimes for Autism - watch this amazing video telling Tyler's Story

My Favorite Gifts – Tris

Each week, a member of our staff will tell you about their favorite gifts of [...]

Our Favorite Bulbs

Be greeted with blooms next Spring! We love these bulbs and we think you will [...]

Hydrangeas For Fall Color

There's another reason to love hydrangeas, and that's the incredible fall display many of them [...]

Does Bobo Dance Too?

I thought the compact, yet dramatic form was not unlike a ballet tutu upside down


This is a view of the artistry that grew outside our back door. There were [...]

Awestruck by Bloomstruck

Ahhhh….hydrangeas, they are among my many weaknesses. Bob and I have planted Limelight, Vanilla Strawberry, [...]

Lillian Walsh – The Rose Lady

Saturday, May 16th 11 a.m to 2 p.m Lillian is an expert rosarian with more [...]

Art in the Garden – Jason Schultz

Jason Schultz is an award-­winning landscape designer and self-­taught artist living in Albany, NY. Many [...]

Creambelt Seed Co.

    We’re excited and pleased to welcome another seed company to our collection! Creambelt [...]