Jun 29, 2018 | Blog, Indoor Plants, What's New?
Like many plants, this one goes by several names, Fiddle Leaf Fig being the most common which refers to both Ficus pandurata and Ficus lyrata. Yes! It’s actually a ficus tree. There’s no mystery about where it got its common name. The fiddle-shaped leaves. And...
Jun 8, 2018 | Blog, What's New?
Insects are an integral part of a healthy garden and yard – without them, our plants would suffer enormously, but there are a few that we need to control for our health and safety. Here in the Northeast, ticks are of particular concern because of Lyme disease carried...
May 11, 2018 | Blog, What's New?
If you’re new to planting ornamental grasses in your garden, you may be saying this right now. You may also be looking at tall brown stalks, half bent over, and thinking that your grass has died. Was the winter really that bad? Surprise! You are on your way to...
Apr 18, 2017 | Blog, Perennials
Hellebores are the iconic late winter or early spring perennial flower. Thriving in shade, these evergreen plants manage to stave off frost damage, wind, and desiccation to produce some of the loveliest flowers we see. At a time when we’re starved to see some...
Apr 18, 2017 | Blog, Perennials
Heuchera (Coral Bells)You’ve hit ‘The Easy Button’ with Coral Bells. They’re no-brainers, my kind of perennial. Drought tolerant, low or nil on the critter buffet, tolerant of most light conditions and they can go years without dividing. Their only bad habit is...
Apr 26, 2016 | Blog, Shrubs, Trees & Vines
Flowering shrubs add year-round interest to landscapes. Their benefits are numerous. They can provide delightful flowers and fruits; structural interest (especially through the cold winter months); a diversity of foliage textures and colors; and reduce your...