Hot, Dry Weather in the Garden

Hot, Dry Weather in the Garden

 Hot and Dry Weather in the Garden   We are going through a very hot, dry stretch of weather and our lawns and gardens are not happy.  With water restrictions already starting in some areas, what can homeowners do to help thirsty plants survive a...
Successful Summer Planting

Successful Summer Planting

Tips for Successful Summer Plantings As a seasoned gardener, I’ve dug in many a pot over the past 25 years. Below are some tips and tricks for digging goodies gathered during summer shopping sprees at fine nurseries, like Faddegon’s! The night before the ‘big dig’,...
Watering gardens and lawns

Watering gardens and lawns

  Question My husband and I are arguing over how often we should water the lawn and gardens. Will you settle this for us (hopefully in my favor)? Answer I can’t take sides since I don’t know what each of you are recommending. But for the most part, I find the...
So Happy Together

So Happy Together

Companion Planting – Happy Together Ahh the Turtles (the band – not the reptile).  It was 1967 when they released the song ‘Happy Together’. Me and you and you and me No matter how they tossed the dice, it had to be The only one for me is you and you for...