Category Archives: Perennials

Shady Players

Shady Players This blog is for all of you who are frustrated by your dark [...]

Skip the Shrub Protectors

    I am always looking for ways to save time, money and sore muscles [...]

The Tropics in Amsterdam, NY!

I was stunned when I walked into the yard of Diane Smith in Amsterdam. You [...]

ET Would Be Green With Envy

Beneficial Insect: ET Would be Green with Envy! The other day I was helping out [...]

‘Ruby Ribbons’ Really Shines

Last month I was raving to our Perennial Nursery Manager, Sue Platania, about one of [...]

Easy Care Perennial Gardening?

If you are like many people I talk with, you probably feel low-maintenance perennial gardening [...]

Jazz Up the August Garden

Fancy Foliage August is a time when gardens can start to look a little anemic [...]

Add Sizzle to Summer Gardens

The lazy, hazy days of late summer are perfect for lolly-gaggling around the pool and [...]