Rose Types & Their Differences

Rose Types & Their Differences

Species (‘wild roses’) The source of all rose varieties. Producing simple, very fragrant flowers once a year in spring. True wild roses have only 5 petals and occur naturally, being native to North America, Europe and Asia. Rugosa Also a Shrub Rose, the...
Winter Care of Roses

Winter Care of Roses

Rose Bushes Leave the last blooms in the fall on the plant to form hips. This will slow growth and help them go dormant. To prevent diseases from finding a home, remove all leaves from the rose bed. Apply a dormant spray or oil such as lime sulfur to help get rid of...
Wet Weather Garden Tips

Wet Weather Garden Tips

Spring weather can take a toll on our gardens. A normal amount of rain is a wonderful thing to a gardener! Each time Mother Nature relieves us of dragging out the hose or filling the watering can it’s another little bonus. Hot sunny days make us rejoice. If the...