Category Archives: Shrubs, Trees & Vines

Hydrangea Paniculata – Garden Nobility

Hydrangea Paniculata - Glorious Summer Blooms


Ficus can be tricky but they don't have to be!

‘Little Lime’ Hydrangea Paniculata

Hydrangea Paniculata - Glorious Summer Blooms

Watering New Plantings & Heat Stressed Stock

Newly planted trees and shrubs may look stressed by hot and dry weather. Even with [...]

The ‘Ivory Silk’ Lilac Tree

‘Ivory Silk’ Japanese Lilac Tree This ornamental tree is nothing less than spectacular! ‘Ivory Silk’ [...]

Bobo® Hydrangea – A Beautiful Space-Saver

Size: Do you love hydrangeas but feel you don’t have room for one? This hydrangea is for you. Bobo® is polite and doesn’t take more than its share of space (3’x3’). Although the blooms are huge and cover the entire [...]

Garden Notebook – The Echinacea Explosion!

The Echinacea explosion! How to choose?

Garden Notebook – Heavenly Scents

A few of the most fragrant flowers for your garden

Garden Notebook – Natural Charm Entry

A colorful group and a less formal approach

Garden Notebook – A Bed of Roses

'Violet's Pride' can become the pride of your garden