Jun 16, 2016 | Perennials, What's New?
It’s a very daunting prospect when we hear about so many global problems, to think about how we can help. Don’t we all feel overwhelmed sometimes? It’s a happy thing to find a small gesture we can contribute that has a lasting effect. Planting some...
Jun 8, 2016 | Annuals, What's New?
Each year there seems to be a general agreement about what colors become popular. Have you ever wondered who determines color trends? Pantone Inc. is largely responsible! What is Pantone?The Pantone Color Matching System has been used for decades to bring consistency...
Jun 3, 2016 | Perennials, What's New?
From short blue mounds of delicate foliage to tall, plumed and arching grasses that rustle and sway in the breezes, ornamental grasses bring rich textures and colors to the garden. Some even provide a changing show of color through the seasons making the landscape...
Jun 1, 2016 | Garden Tips, Perennials, What's New?
As a willful and unapologetic hosta addict, it’s so easy on my head to simply add hosta to every blank space in my shade garden. It’s fun to plant something so consistently spectacular, right? Layers of fern and hosta – a no brainer! ...
May 25, 2016 | Perennials, What's New?
‘Roguchi’ has an interesting and charming history. It was bred in Japan by Kazushige Ozawa, a well-known clematis cultivator. He wanted to develop a flower that would be perfect for a tea ceremony which calls for one lone blossom to be present in the room. This is why...
May 25, 2016 | Shrubs, Trees & Vines, What's New?
Yucca filamentosa ‘Color Guard’ (common name Adam’s Needle) Yuccas are one of the most unusual and dramatic garden plants you will ever see. Sword-like foliage fans outward reaching 2 to 3 feet and persisting year round. In spring, a sturdy flower...