Fall Planted Bulbs
These bulbs bloom the following spring. September is the best time to plant them.
- Allium – ornamental
- Allium – garlic
- Anemone
- Camassia
- Colchicum
- Crocus
- Daffodils
- Frittilaria – crown imperial and checkered lily
- Grape hyacinth (muscari)
- Hyacinth
- Iris bearded and siberian
- Lilies oriental and Asiatic
- Narcissus
- Snowdrops (Leucojum aestivum) and (Galanthus woronowii)
- Scilla/Squill
- Tulips
Click here for Tips on Planting Fall Bulbs
Bulbs to Force for the Holidays and Winter
Plant anytime after bulbs become available in late fall.
- Amaryllis
- Narcissus (paperwhites)
Click here for Tips on Forcing Holiday Bulbs
Spring Planted Bulbs
These bulbs bloom the summer they are planted. Plant them after predicted last frost date, usually around Mother’s Day or plant earlier in containers to be moved outdoors after last frost.
- Acidanthera (fragrant gladiolus)
- Begonia tuberous
- Caladium
- Calla Lily
- Canna
- Colocasia (elephant ears)
- Convallaria (lily of the valley)
- Crocosmia
- Dahlias – all types
- Eremurus (foxtail Lily)
- Eucomis (pineapple lily)
- Garlic
- Gladiolus
- Lily – Asiatic
- Lily – Gloriosa
- LIly – Oriental
- Liverwort
- Polyanthes (tuberose)
- Trillium
Click here for Tips on Jump Starting Summer Bulbs