We’re so excited to see plants beginning to fill up our benches with many more on their way! From conifers, shrubs, and fruit trees to perennial flowers and pansies, it’s great to see fresh green leaves and buds again! It won’t be long before the annual flowers come flooding in!

Spring Blooming Arrival Highlights

Azaleas and Rhododendrons are in flower and bud. The color is a welcome relief after the winter!

Fruit trees are beginning to bloom. Look for apples, pears, peaches, apricots, and plums. We have berry bushes in stock as well. 

Loads of perennials are hitting the benches. We’re known for our vast collection!

Pansies of course!

Forget to plant tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths last fall? Plant these sprouted bulbs instead.

Flowering baskets and containers are our thing! Don’t leave without one!

Forsythia is the wonderful bright signal of spring. There are different varieties but they all burst open with bright yellow enthusiasm! Plant this fast grower in sun to part sun, singly or in a grouping. (‘Meadowlark’ pictured)

Hellebores are one of the earliest flowers of the season and never fail to bloom when you’re convinced no flower could wake up just yet! They will naturalize an area so you can look forward to many springs of long-lasting flowers gently nodding in a shade garden. Give them a moist, rich soil to live in. (‘Merlin’ pictured)

Creeping phlox (or moss phlox) will form such a dense blanket of fluffy flowers, you’ll think you’re seeing things. An early spring bloomer, creeping phlox will travel a bit, tumbling over walls or container edges. (‘Spring Purple’ pictured).

Flowering Almond is a dwarf shrub showing fluffy double flowers that the bees and butterflies will love as much as you do! Berries for the birds come in summer and in fall you’ll be treated to a show of coppery yellow foliage. Plant in full to part sun.


Iberis also goes by the name Candytuft. White flowers cover these mounded plants that stay low. Plant in full sun to be wowed each spring! (‘Snowsation’ pictured).

English daisies (or Bellis perennis) are only 6 inches tall but they make up for their short stature by blooming from early spring right through summer. Perfect for filling spots between bulb plants and other perennials. Plant in the sun. (‘Rominette Mix’ pictured).

No perennial garden is complete without columbine blooms in early spring. The many varieties cover a full range of colors and bi-color flowers are not unusual. Plant in morning sun with afternoon shade. (‘Origami Red & White’ pictured).

Magnolias bloom in pink or white with stunning spring beauty. Large flowers will cover the branches looking for all the world like butterflies! (Magnolia ‘Jane’ pictured).

We’ve brought in loads of pottery for you to choose from. Neutrals, blues, white, black, and gray are perfect for DIY container gardens.